GraphConnect San Francisco 2016 Schedule Graph
Yey! It’s that time of the year again! We are full-steam getting ready for the Bi-Yearly Festival of Graphs also known as GraphConnect. There’s another great conference lined up for us in San Francisco. The entire Neo4j crew will be there in full force - and of course we had to create another Schedule graph - just for fun. The fact that we had 14hrs on a very tight airplane seat with a guy my size sitting next to me had nothing to do with it. At all.
A Google Sheet as the main repository
I had to of course start from the schedule on the GraphConnect website, and convert that into a google sheet with all the data. Turned out to be a bit more work this time (thanks, HTML!), but hey - 14hrs on a plane, remember.
Once I had that, I could add the data pretty easily with this model:

Very simple - the only thing different about this version of a schedule-graph is that we now no longer have something called a "track" or similar, but we have "TopicTags". A "topictag" is basically something like a tag or a label that you may use in things like Gmail or Evernote - to indicate that something belongs to one or more categories.
Of course it’s so much nicer when you can make it interactive and load it into Neo4j. Let’s do that. Let’s load that data into this graphgist. I have added some comments for every step of the way…
//add the days - all two of them
load csv with headers from "" as csv
merge (d:Day {date: toInt(csv.Day)});
//connect the days to one another
match (d:Day), (d2:Day)
where =
merge (d)-[:PRECEDES]-(d2);
//add the rooms, topics, speakers and speaker's companies. Connect the speakers to their Companies.
load csv with headers from "" as csv
with csv
where csv.Title is not null
merge (r:Room {name: csv.Room})
merge (p:Person {name: csv.Speaker, title: csv.Title})
set p.URL = csv.URL
merge (c:Company {name: csv.Company})
merge (p)-[:WORKS_FOR]->(c);
//add the start- and end-timeslots to each day
load csv with headers from "" as csv
match (d:Day {date: toInt(csv.Day)})
merge (t1:Time {time: toInt(csv.Starttime)})-[:PART_OF]->(d)
merge (t2:Time {time: toInt(csv.Endtime)})-[:PART_OF]->(d);
Now, we want to add all the different topictags. This is a bit special as you will see that all topictags are in the same "column" of the CSV file, and they are separated by a "special character", §§. So I would basically have to . pull these out of the CSV file column, . split them up into individual collections per session, . unwind them into their individual topictags, . remove the "empty" ones (because the CSV column ends with §§), . add them to the graph.
So let’s continue with that.
//add all the different topictags
load csv with headers from "" as csv
with split(csv.Type,"§§") as topictagcollection
unwind topictagcollection as topictags
with distinct topictags as topictag
where not topictag = ""
merge (tt:TopicTag {name: topictag})
return as First10TopicTags
order by ASC
limit 10;
As you can see, this gives me the correct result:
Now we’ll continue by connecting things up.
//add the sessions and connect them up
load csv with headers from "" as csv
match (t2:Time {time: toInt(csv.Endtime)})-[:PART_OF]->(d:Day {date: toInt(csv.Day)})<-[:PART_OF]-(t1:Time {time: toInt(csv.Starttime)}), (r:Room {name: csv.Room}), (p:Person {name: csv.Speaker, title: csv.Title})
merge (s:Session {name: csv.Topic})
set s.description = csv.Comments
merge (s)<-[:SPEAKS_IN]-(p)
merge (s)-[:IN_ROOM]->(r)
merge (s)-[:STARTS_AT]->(t1)
merge (s)-[:ENDS_AT]->(t2);
//connect the sessions to topictags
load csv with headers from "" as csv
with split(csv.Type,"§§") as topictagcollection, csv.Topic as session
unwind topictagcollection as topictag
with session, topictag
where not( topictag = "" )
match (s:Session {name: session}), (tt:TopicTag {name: topictag})
merge (s)-[:HAS_TOPIC]->(tt);
//Connecting the timeslots
match (t:Time)--(d:Day {date:20161013})
with t
order by t.time ASC
with collect(t) as times
foreach (i in range(0,length(times)-2) |
foreach (t1 in [times[i]] |
foreach (t2 in [times[i+1]] |
merge (t1)-[:FOLLOWED_BY]->(t2))));
match (t:Time)--(d:Day {date:20161014})
with t
order by t.time ASC
with collect(t) as times
foreach (i in range(0,length(times)-2) |
foreach (t1 in [times[i]] |
foreach (t2 in [times[i+1]] |
merge (t1)-[:FOLLOWED_BY]->(t2))));
Let’s take a look at what we have now, by taking a little sample with the following query:
MATCH (n) where rand() <= 0.1
MATCH (n)-[r]->(m)
WITH n, type(r) as via, m
RETURN labels(n) as from,
reduce(keys = [], keys_n in collect(keys(n)) | keys + filter(k in keys_n WHERE NOT k IN keys)) as props_from,
labels(m) as to,
reduce(keys = [], keys_m in collect(keys(m)) | keys + filter(k in keys_m WHERE NOT k IN keys)) as props_to,
count(*) as freq
Ok - so that gives us a bit of insight. So let’s try to zoom in a bit, and run a simple query over our graph: let’s find a couple of sessions in Day 1:
match (d:Day {date:20161013})<--(t:Time)<--(s:Session)--(connections)
return d,t,s,connections
limit 50
and here’s a sample of the graph:
Let’s do another query. Here’s the path between my dear friend Jim Webber and Dan Murphy of the Financial Times:
match path = allshortestpaths( (p1:Person)-[*]-(p2:Person) )
where contains "MURPHY"
and contains "WEBBER"
return path
and display the result
Let’s now look at a link between a person (Jim Webber, of Neo fame) and an Organisation (ICIJ, of PanamaPaper fame).
match (c:Company {name:"ICIJ"}), (p:Person {name:"JIM WEBBER"}),
path = allshortestpaths( (c)-[*]-(p) )
return path
and again display the result:
Last one for fun: let’s look at the sessions that have more than one speaker:
match (s:Session)-[r:SPEAKS_IN]-(p:Person)
with s, collect(p) as person, count(p) as count
where count > 1
return s,person
and display it:
Just a start…
There are so many other things that we could look at. Use the console below to explore if you are interested in more.
I hope this gist was interesting for you, and that we will see each other soon.
This gist was created by Rik Van Bruggen
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