MongoDB (Deprecated)

These procedures are deprecated in favor of apoc.mongo.* procedures .

Available Procedures

Install Dependencies

The Mongo procedures have dependencies on a client library that is not included in the APOC Library.

This dependency is included in apoc-mongodb-dependencies-, which can be downloaded from the releases page. Once that file is downloaded, it should be placed in the plugins directory and the Neo4j Server restarted.

Field description

  • hostorkey: the MongoDB host in the format mongodb://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT> or a url defined into the apoc config apoc.mongodb.myInstance.url=mongodb://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>, which can be invoked by simply passing myInstance

  • db: the db name

  • collection: the collection name

  • query: query params

  • projection: projection params

  • sort: sort params

  • compatibleValues (false|true): converts MongoDB data types into Neo4j data types

  • skip: num of documents to skip

  • limit: num of documents to limit

  • extractReferences (false|true): if true and a field contains an ObjectId it will include the related document instead of the ObjectId

  • objectIdAsMap (true|false): extract the ObjectId as map

  • documents: the documents to insert

  • update: the updated params


Following an example that could help to understand the behaviour of extractReferences, compatibleValues and objectIdAsMap:

Given the following collections:

// Product
{"_id": ObjectId("product1"), "name": "Product 1", "price": 100}
{"_id": ObjectId("product3"), "name": "Product 2", "price": 200}
{"_id": ObjectId("product3"), "name": "Product 3", "price": 300}
// Person
{"_id": ObjectId("person"), "name": "Andrea", "bought": [ObjectId("product1"), ObjectId("product3")]}

With the extractReferences=true, compatibleValues=true and objectIdAsMap=false:

  "_id": "person",
  "name": "Andrea",
  "bought": [
    {"_id": "product1", "name": "Product 1", "price": 100},
    {"_id": "product3", "name": "Product 3", "price": 300}

With the extractReferences=true, compatibleValues=true and objectIdAsMap=true:

  "_id": {
  	"timestamp": <...>,
	"machineIdentifier": <...>,
	"processIdentifier": <...>,
	"counter": <...>,
  "name": "Andrea",
  "bought": [
      "_id": {
	  	"timestamp": <...>,
		"machineIdentifier": <...>,
		"processIdentifier": <...>,
		"counter": <...>,
	  "name": "Product 1",
	  "price": 100
      "_id": {
	  	"timestamp": <...>,
		"machineIdentifier": <...>,
		"processIdentifier": <...>,
		"counter": <...>,
	  "name": "Product 3",
	  "price": 300

With the extractReferences=false, compatibleValues=false and objectIdAsMap=false:

  "_id": "person",
  "name": "Andrea",
  "bought": ["product1", "product3"]


Copy these jars into the plugins directory:

  • bson-3.4.2.jar

  • mongo-java-driver-3.4.2.jar

  • mongodb-driver-3.4.2.jar

  • mongodb-driver-core-3.4.2.jar

You should be able to get them from here, and here (BSON) (via Download)

Or you get them locally from your gradle build of apoc.

gradle copyRuntimeLibs
cp lib/mongodb*.jar lib/bson*.jar $NEO4J_HOME/plugins/


CALL apoc.mongodb.first('mongodb://localhost:27017','test','test',{name:'testDocument'})

If you need automatic conversion of unpackable values then the cypher query will be:

CALL apoc.mongodb.first('mongodb://localhost:27017','test','test',{name:'testDocument'},true)