Creating Data
The library has support for procedures that add to the write functionality that comes with Neo4j. Many of these procedures enable dynamic data creation, such as dynamically adding node labels and node or relationship properties.
create node with dynamic labels |
create multiple nodes with dynamic labels |
adds the given labels to the node or nodes |
removes the given labels from the node or nodes |
sets the given property on the node(s) |
sets the given properties on the nodes(s) |
sets the given property on the relationship(s) |
sets the given properties on the relationship(s) |
create relationship with dynamic rel-type |
creates a linked list of nodes from first to last |
merge nodes with dynamic labels, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
merge relationship with dynamic type, with support for setting properties ON CREATE or ON MATCH |
removes the given properties from the nodes(s) |
removes the given properties from the relationship(s) |
Remove Node Labels
Cypher supports deleting of labels as long as the labels are hard coded.
If the labels are dynamically specified, we can use the apoc.create.removeLabels
CREATE (jennifer:Person:US {name: "Jennifer", community: 1, partition: 4})
CREATE (karin:Person:US {name: "Karin", community: 4, partition: 2})
CREATE (mark:Person:UK {name: "Mark", community: 3, partition: 3})
from all nodes:CALL db.labels()
YIELD label WHERE label <> "Person"
WITH collect(label) AS labels
MATCH (p:Person)
WITH collect(p) AS people, labels
CALL apoc.create.removeLabels(people, labels)
YIELD node
RETURN node, labels(node) AS labels
node | labels |
(:Person {name: "Jennifer", partition: 4, community: 1}) |
["Person"] |
(:Person {name: "Karin", partition: 2, community: 4}) |
["Person"] |
(:Person {name: "Mark", partition: 3, community: 3}) |
["Person"] |
Set Node and Relationship Properties
Cypher supports setting of properties as long as the property names are hard coded.
If the property names are dynamically specified we can use the apoc.create.setProperties
and apoc.create.setRelProperties
CREATE (jennifer:Person {name: "Jennifer", community: 1, partition: 4})
CREATE (karin:Person {name: "Karin", community: 4, partition: 2})
CREATE (elaine:Person {name: "Elaine", community: 3, partition: 3})
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-06-01")}]-(karin)
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-05-04")}]-(elaine)
nodes:MATCH (p:Person)
WITH p, keys(p) AS keys
CALL apoc.create.setProperties(p,[k in keys | k + "Copy"], [k in keys | p[k]])
YIELD node
node |
{"name":"Jennifer","partition":4,"community":1,"nameCopy":"Jennifer","partitionCopy":4,"communityCopy":1} |
{"name":"Karin","partition":2,"community":4,"nameCopy":"Karin","partitionCopy":2,"communityCopy":4} |
{"name":"Mark","partition":3,"community":3,"nameCopy":"Mark","partitionCopy":3,"communityCopy":3} |
MATCH (:Person)-[friends:FRIENDS]->(:Person)
WITH friends, keys(friends) AS keys
CALL apoc.create.setRelProperties(friends,[k in keys | k + "Copy"], [k in keys | friends[k]])
RETURN startNode(rel) AS start, rel, endNode(rel) AS end
start | rel | end |
{ "name": "Jennifer", "partition": 4, "community": 1, "nameCopy": "Jennifer", "partitionCopy": 4, "communityCopy": 1 } |
{ "sinceCopy": "2019-05-04T00:00:00Z", "since": "2019-05-04T00:00:00Z" } |
{ "name": "Elaine", "partition": 3, "community": 3, "nameCopy": "Elaine", "partitionCopy": 3, "communityCopy": 3 } |
{ "name": "Jennifer", "partition": 4, "community": 1, "nameCopy": "Jennifer", "partitionCopy": 4, "communityCopy": 1 } |
{ "sinceCopy": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z", "since": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z" } |
{ "name": "Karin", "partition": 2, "community": 4, "nameCopy": "Karin", "partitionCopy": 2, "communityCopy": 4 } |
Remove Node and Relationship Properties
Cypher supports deleting of properties as long as the property names are hard coded.
If the property names are dynamically specified we can use the apoc.create.removeProperties
and apoc.create.removeRelProperties
CREATE (jennifer:Person {name: "Jennifer", community: 1, partition: 4})
CREATE (karin:Person {name: "Karin", community: 4, partition: 2})
CREATE (elaine:Person {name: "Elaine", community: 3, partition: 3})
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-06-01")}]-(karin)
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-05-04")}]-(elaine)
from Person
nodes:CALL db.propertyKeys()
YIELD propertyKey WHERE propertyKey <> "name"
WITH collect(propertyKey) AS propertyKeys
MATCH (p:Person)
WITH collect(p) AS nodes, propertyKeys
CALL apoc.create.removeProperties(nodes, propertyKeys)
YIELD node
node |
{"name":"Jennifer"} |
{"name":"Karin"} |
{"name":"Elaine"} |
CALL db.propertyKeys()
YIELD propertyKey
WITH collect(propertyKey) AS propertyKeys
MATCH (:Person)-[friends:FRIENDS]->(:Person)
WITH collect(friends) AS friendsRels, propertyKeys
CALL apoc.create.removeRelProperties(friendsRels, propertyKeys)
RETURN startNode(rel) AS start, rel, endNode(rel) AS end
start | rel | end |
{"name":"Jennifer"} |
{} |
{"name":"Elaine"} |
{"name":"Jennifer"} |
{} |
{"name":"Karin"} |
Linked Lists
Creating a linked list from a collection of nodes can be done in Cypher, but is much easier with the
CREATE (:Event {name: "Event 1", date: datetime("2019-06-01")})
CREATE (:Event {name: "Event 2", date: datetime("2019-06-04")})
CREATE (:Event {name: "Event 3", date: datetime("2019-06-08")})
MATCH (e:Event)
WITH collect(e) AS events
RETURN count(*)