Function APOC Core
apoc.convert.toList(value) | tries it’s best to convert the value to a list
Usage Examples
The examples in this section are based on the following sample graph:
CREATE (Keanu:Person {name:'Keanu Reeves', born:1964})
CREATE (TomH:Person {name:'Tom Hanks', born:1956})
CREATE (TheMatrix:Movie {title:'The Matrix', released:1999, tagline:'Welcome to the Real World'})
CREATE (TheMatrixReloaded:Movie {title:'The Matrix Reloaded', released:2003, tagline:'Free your mind'})
CREATE (YouveGotMail:Movie {title:"You've Got Mail", released:1998, tagline:'At odds in life... in love on-line.'})
CREATE (Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Neo']}]->(TheMatrix)
CREATE (Keanu)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Neo']}]->(TheMatrixReloaded)
CREATE (TomH)-[:ACTED_IN {roles:['Joe Fox']}]->(YouveGotMail);
We can find all the ACTED_IN
paths by running the following query:
MATCH path = ()-[:ACTED_IN]->()
RETURN path;
path |
(:Person {name: "Keanu Reeves", born: 1964})-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ["Neo"]}]→(:Movie {tagline: "Welcome to the Real World", title: "The Matrix", released: 1999}) |
(:Person {name: "Keanu Reeves", born: 1964})-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ["Neo"]}]→(:Movie {tagline: "Free your mind", title: "The Matrix Reloaded", released: 2003}) |
(:Person {name: "Tom Hanks", born: 1956})-[:ACTED_IN {roles: ["Joe Fox"]}]→(:Movie {tagline: "At odds in life… in love on-line.", title: "You’ve Got Mail", released: 1998}) |
What if we want to take the first element from each path? We could try to do it like this:
MATCH path = ()-[:ACTED_IN]->()
RETURN path[0];
Type mismatch: expected List<T> but was Path (line 3, column 8 (offset: 40))
"RETURN path[0];"
We can use apoc.convert.toList
to convert the path to a list and then take the first item from that list:
MATCH path = ()-[:ACTED_IN]->()
RETURN apoc.convert.toList(path)[0];
apoc.convert.toList(path)[0] |
(:Person {name: "Keanu Reeves", born: 1964}) |
(:Person {name: "Keanu Reeves", born: 1964}) |
(:Person {name: "Tom Hanks", born: 1956}) |