Procedure APOC Core
apoc.create.removeRelProperties( [rel,id,ids,rels], [keys]) - removes the given properties from the relationship(s)
apoc.create.removeRelProperties(rels :: ANY?, keys :: LIST? OF STRING?) :: (rel :: RELATIONSHIP?)
Usage Examples
Cypher supports deleting of relationship properties as long as the property names are hard coded. If the property names are dynamically specified we can use this procedure instead.
The examples in this section are based on the following sample graph:
CREATE (jennifer:Person {name: "Jennifer", community: 1, partition: 4})
CREATE (karin:Person {name: "Karin", community: 4, partition: 2})
CREATE (elaine:Person {name: "Elaine", community: 3, partition: 3})
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-06-01")}]-(karin)
MERGE (jennifer)-[:FRIENDS {since: datetime("2019-05-04")}]-(elaine);
We can delete all properties except for name
from Person
nodes, by running the following query:
CALL db.propertyKeys()
YIELD propertyKey
WITH collect(propertyKey) AS propertyKeys
MATCH (:Person)-[friends:FRIENDS]->(:Person)
WITH collect(friends) AS friendsRels, propertyKeys
CALL apoc.create.removeRelProperties(friendsRels, propertyKeys)
RETURN startNode(rel).name AS start, rel, endNode(rel).name AS end;
start | rel | end |
"Jennifer" |
"Elaine" |
"Jennifer" |
"Karin" |