Procedure APOC Full
apoc.es.getRaw(host-or-port,path,payload-or-null) yield value - perform a raw GET operation on elastic search
Usage Examples
The examples in this section are based on an Elastic instance populated with the accounts.json sample dataset from the Getting Started with Elasticsearch guide. You can find instructions for setting this up at github.com/neo4j-examples/elastic-example.
We can find the document with id 1
, by running the following query:
CALL apoc.es.getRaw("localhost","bank/_doc/1",null);
value |
{_seq_no: 0, found: TRUE, _index: "bank", _type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 1, firstname: "Amber", address: "880 Holmes Lane", balance: 39225, gender: "M", city: "Brogan", employer: "Pyrami", state: "IL", age: 32, email: "amberduke@pyrami.com", lastname: "Duke"}, _id: "1", _version: 1, _primary_term: 1} |
We can find the documents that have an address of mill lane
, by running the following query:
CALL apoc.es.getRaw("localhost","bank/_search",{
query: { match_phrase: { address: "mill lane" } }
value |
{_shards: {total: 1, failed: 0, successful: 1, skipped: 0}, hits: {hits: [{_type: "_doc", _source: {account_number: 136, firstname: "Winnie", address: "198 Mill Lane", balance: 45801, gender: "M", city: "Urie", employer: "Neteria", state: "IL", age: 38, email: "winnieholland@neteria.com", lastname: "Holland"}, _id: "136", _index: "bank", _score: 9.507477}], total: {value: 1, relation: "eq"}, max_score: 9.507477}, took: 2, timed_out: FALSE} |