
Triggers allow the registration of Cypher queries that are called when data in Neo4j is changed (created, updated, deleted). You can run them before or after commit.

All these apoc.trigger.* procedures are intended to be executed in the system database, therefore they have to be used executed by opening a system database session. There are several ways of doing this:

  • when using cypher-shell or Neo4j Browser, one can prefix their Cypher query with :use system

  • when using fabric, one can prefix their Cypher query with USE system

  • when using the drivers, one can open a session directly against the system database

Moreover, they accept as first parameter the name of the database towards which we want to install/update/remove the triggers.

Through this implementation, we can use these procedures in a cluster environment, by leveraging the cluster routing mechanism.

These procedures are only executable by a user with admin permissions. If this is not the case, the procedure throws an exception with the message permission has not been granted for user 'xxx'.

Installing, updating or removing a trigger is an eventually consistent operation. Therefore, they are not immediately added/updated/removed, but they have a refresh rate handled by the Apoc configuration apoc.trigger.refresh=<MILLISECONDS>, with default 60000 (milliseconds)

By default triggers are disabled. We can enable them by setting the following property in apoc.conf:

Table 1. Description
Option Key Value Description


true/false, default false

Enable/Disable the feature


number, default 60000

Interval in ms after which a replication check is triggered across all cluster nodes

Qualified Name Type Release


CALL apoc.trigger.install(databaseName, name, statement, selector, config) | eventually adds a trigger for a given database which is invoked when a successful transaction occurs.




CALL apoc.trigger.drop(databaseName, name) | eventually removes an existing trigger, returns the trigger’s information




CALL apoc.trigger.dropAll(databaseName) | eventually removes all previously added trigger, returns triggers' information




CALL apoc.trigger.stop(databaseName, name) | eventually pauses the trigger




CALL apoc.trigger.start(databaseName, name) | eventually unpauses the paused trigger



CALL | it lists all eventually installed triggers for a database




CALL apoc.trigger.list() | it lists all currently installed triggers for the session database



The transaction data from Neo4j is turned into appropriate data structures to be consumed as parameters to your statement, i.e. $createdNodes.

The parameters available are:

Statement Description


returns the id of the transaction.

Note that this value only works with the 'after' and 'afterAsync' phases (see the Trigger Phase Table). Otherwise, it has the value -1.


return the date of the transaction in milliseconds


when a node is created our trigger fires (list of nodes)


when a relationship is created our trigger fires (list of relationships)


when a node is deleted our trigger fires (list of nodes)


when a relationship is deleted our trigger fires (list of relationships)


when a label is removed our trigger fires (map of label to list of nodes)


when a properties of node is removed our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,node)


when a properties of relationship is removed our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,relationship)


when a labes is assigned our trigger fires (map of label to list of nodes)


when node property is assigned our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,new,node)


when relationship property is assigned our trigger fires (map of key to list of map of key,old,new,relationship)


a map containing the metadata of that transaction. Transaction meta data can be set on client side e.g. via

You can use these helper functions to extract nodes or relationships by label/relationship-type or updated property key.

Table 2. Helper Functions
Qualified Name Type Release


apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel(labelEntries, label) - function to filter labelEntries by label, to be used within a trigger kernelTransaction with $assignedLabels, $removedLabels, $assigned/removedNodeProperties.




apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey(propertyEntries, key) - function to filter propertyEntries by property-key, to be used within a trigger kernelTransaction with $assignedNode/RelationshipProperties and $removedNode/RelationshipProperties. Returns [old,new,key,node,relationship].




apoc.trigger.toNode(node, removedLabels, removedNodeProperties) - function to rebuild a node as a virtual one, to be used in triggers with a not 'afterAsync' phase.




apoc.trigger.toRelationship(rel, removedRelationshipProperties) - function to rebuild a relationship as a virtual one, to be used in triggers with a not 'afterAsync' phase.



The 3rd parameter of the apoc.trigger.install() is a map {phase: PHASE}, where PHASE is a string which can have one of the following values:

Table 3. Trigger Phase Table




The trigger will be activate right before the commit. If no phase is specified, it’s the default.


The trigger will be activate right after the rollback.


The trigger will be activate right after the commit.


The trigger will be activate right after the commit and inside a new transaction and thread that will not impact the original one. Heavy operations should be processed in this phase without blocking the original transaction. Please note that 'after' and 'before' phases can sometimes block transactions, so generally, afterAsync phase is preferred

Triggers Examples

Set properties connected to a node

We could add a trigger that when is added a specific property on a node, that property is added to all the nodes connected to this node

Dataset (in default database 'neo4j')

CREATE (d:Person {name:'Daniel', surname: 'Craig'})
CREATE (l:Person {name:'Mary', age: 47})
CREATE (t:Person {name:'Tom'})
CREATE (j:Person {name:'John'})
CREATE (m:Person {name:'Michael'})
CREATE (a:Person {name:'Anne'})
CREATE (t)-[:SON_OF]->(d)
CREATE (t)-[:BROTHER]->(j)
CREATE (a)-[:WIFE_OF]->(d)
CREATE (d)-[:SON_OF]->(m)
CREATE (j)-[:SON_OF]->(d)

With the above dataset, if we add a trigger and we execute for example, MATCH (n:Person) WHERE IN ['Daniel', 'Mary'] SET n.age=55, n.surname='Quinn', the $assignedNodeProperties which can be used in the trigger statement, will be as follows (where NODE(1) is (:Person {name: 'Daniel'}), and NODE(2) is (:Person {name: 'Mary'})):

   age: [{
         node : NODE(1),
         new: 55,
         old: null,
         key: "age"
         node: NODE(2),
         new: 55,
         old: 47,
         key: "age"

   surname: [{
         node: NODE(1),
         new: "Quinn",
         old: "Craig",
         key: "surname"
         node: NODE(2),
         new: "Quinn",
         old: null,
         key: "surname"

As we can see, the result is a map of list, where the keys are the assigned properties, and the values are a list of entities involved. Every element of a list have the node itself, the new value of the changed properties, the old value (or null if the property didn’t exist) and the key with the property name.

The $removedNodeProperties parameter has the same structure and logic (of course, in this case new values will be always null).

Same thing regarding assignedRelationshipProperties and removedRelationshipProperties, with the only difference that instead of node: NODE(n) key, we’ll have relationship: RELATIONSHIP(n).

For example, if we want to create a trigger that at every SET, updates 2 properties time and lasts with the current date and the property updated, we can do:

CALL apoc.trigger.install('neo4j', 'setLastUpdate',
  "UNWIND keys($assignedNodeProperties) AS k
  UNWIND $assignedNodeProperties[k] AS map
  WITH map.node AS node, collect(map.key) AS propList
  MATCH (n)
  WHERE id(n) = id(node) AND NOT 'lasts' in propList // to prevent loops
  SET n.time = date(),  n.lasts = propList",
  {phase: 'afterAsync'});

Note that the apoc.trigger.install, as well as the apoc.trigger.drop, apoc.trigger.dropAll, apoc.trigger.stop and apoc.trigger.start, have to be executed in the system database

In the example above, we put match (n) where id(n) = id(node) to demonstrate that the we pull the node by id into parameters. Anyway, we can get rid of this one and change last row with SET node.time = date(), node.lasts = propList. Note that we have to add the condition AND NOT 'lasts' IN propList to prevent an infinite loop as this SET will trigger this query again.

Then, after a time defined by the configuration apoc.trigger.refresh, we can execute:

MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Daniel'}) set n.age = 123, = 'Italy'


MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Daniel'}) return n

we can see the property time with the today’s date, and lasts=['country','age'].

So when we add the surname property on a node, it’s added to all the nodes connected (in this case one level deep)

MATCH (d:Person {name:'Daniel'})
SET d.surname = 'William'

Now we add the trigger using apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey on the surname property

CALL apoc.trigger.install('neo4j', 'setAllConnectedNodes','UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey($assignedNodeProperties,"surname") as prop
WITH prop.node as n
SET a.surname = n.surname', {phase:'after'});

So when we add the surname property on a node, it’s added to all the nodes connected (in this case one level deep)

MATCH (d:Person {name:'Daniel'})
SET d.surname = 'William'

The surname property is add/change on all related nodes

Update labels

Dataset (in a database 'dbTest')

CREATE (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
CREATE (l:Actor {name:'Laurence Fishburne'})
CREATE (c:Actor {name:'Carrie-Anne Moss'})
CREATE (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
CREATE (k)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)
CREATE (l)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)
CREATE (c)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)

We add a trigger using apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel that when the label Actor of a node is removed, update all labels Actor with Person

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'updateLabels',"UNWIND apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel($removedLabels,'Actor') AS node
MATCH (n:Actor)
REMOVE n:Actor SET n:Person SET node:Person", {phase:'before'})
MATCH(k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
REMOVE k:Actor
Create relationship on a new node

We can add a trigger that connect every new node with label Actor and as name property a specific value

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'create-rel-new-node',"UNWIND $createdNodes AS n
MATCH (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
WHERE n:Actor AND IN ['Keanu Reeves','Laurence Fishburne','Carrie-Anne Moss']
CREATE (n)-[:ACT_IN]->(m)", {phase:'before'})
CREATE (k:Actor {name:'Keanu Reeves'})
CREATE (l:Actor {name:'Laurence Fishburne'})
CREATE (c:Actor {name:'Carrie-Anne Moss'})
CREATE (a:Actor {name:'Tom Hanks'})
CREATE (m:Movie {title:'Matrix'})
apoc.trigger.add.create rel new node
Prevent transaction blocking

Generally, is recommended to use afterAsync phase, to prevent some annoying transaction locks. For example, given this trigger:

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'lockTriggerTest1','UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey($assignedNodeProperties,"name") as prop
WITH prop.node as n
CREATE (z:AnotherNode {myId: id(n)})
CREATE (n)-[:GENERATED]->(z)',

if we execute:

MATCH (n:Person {name: 'John'}) set = 'Jack'

the query will remain pending indefinitely. To solve this, we can use {phase:'afterAsync'}

Pause trigger

We have the possibility of pausing a trigger without removing it, in case we might need it in the future. Note that this procedure and the apoc.trigger.start ones are eventually consistent, so we need to wait some amount of time for the changes to propagate. This amount of time is defined by the configuration apoc.trigger.refresh.

Resume paused trigger

When you need again of a trigger paused

Enforcing property type

For this example, we would like that all the reference node properties are of type STRING

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', "forceStringType",
"UNWIND apoc.trigger.propertiesByKey($assignedNodeProperties, 'reference') AS prop
CALL apoc.util.validate(apoc.meta.type(prop) <> 'STRING', 'expected string property type, got %s', [apoc.meta.type(prop)]) RETURN null", {phase:'before'})
CREATE (a:Node) SET a.reference = 1

Optional params

We can pass as a 4th parameter, a {params: {parameterMaps}} to insert additional parameters.

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'timeParams','UNWIND $createdNodes AS n SET n.time = $time', {}, {params: {time: timestamp()}});
Handle deleted entities

If we to create a 'before' or 'after' trigger query, with $deletedRelationships or $deletedNodes, and then we want to retrieve entities information like labels and/or properties, we cannot use the 'classic' cypher functions labels() and properties(), but we can leverage on virtual nodes and relationships, via the functions apoc.trigger.toNode(node, $removedLabels, $removedNodeProperties) and apoc.trigger.toRelationship(rel, $removedRelationshipProperties).

So that, we can retrieve information about nodes and relations, using the, and the apoc.node.labels functions.

For example, if we want to create a new node with the same properties (plus the id) and with an additional label retrieved for each deleted node, we can execute:

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'myTrigger',
"UNWIND $deletedNodes as deletedNode
WITH apoc.trigger.toNode(deletedNode, $removedLabels, $removedNodeProperties) AS deletedNode
CREATE (r:Report {id: id(deletedNode)}) WITH r, deletedNode
CALL apoc.create.addLabels(r, apoc.node.labels(deletedNode)) yield node with node, deletedNode
set" ,

Or also, if we want to create a node Report with the same properties (plus the id and rel-type as additional properties) for each deleted relationship, we can execute:

CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'myTrigger',
"UNWIND $deletedRelationships as deletedRel
WITH apoc.trigger.toRelationship(deletedRel, $removedRelationshipProperties) AS deletedRel
CREATE (r:Report {id: id(deletedRel), type: apoc.rel.type(deletedRel)})
WITH r, deletedRelset" ,

By using phase 'afterAsync', we don’t need to execute apoc.trigger.toNode and apoc.trigger.toRelationship, because using this one, the rebuild of entities is executed automatically under the hood.

Other examples
CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'timestamp','UNWIND $createdNodes AS n SET n.ts = timestamp()', {});
CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'lowercase','UNWIND $createdNodes AS n SET = toLower(', {});
CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'txInfo',   'UNWIND $createdNodes AS n SET n.txId = $transactionId, n.txTime = $commitTime', {phase:'after'});
CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'count-removed-rels','MATCH (c:Counter) SET c.count = c.count + size([r IN $deletedRelationships WHERE type(r) = "X"])', {})
CALL apoc.trigger.install('dbTest', 'lowercase-by-label','UNWIND apoc.trigger.nodesByLabel($assignedLabels,"Person") AS n SET = toLower(', {})

Remove triggers

If we want to remove the trigger with name 'test' in 'neo4j' database, we can run the following query:

CALL apoc.trigger.drop('neo4j', 'test')

If we want to remove all triggers in 'neo4j' db, we can execute

CALL apoc.trigger.dropAll('neo4j')

List of triggers

If we want to get the list of triggers, for example if we have one trigger created via:

CALL apoc.trigger.install('neo4j', 'count-removals',
    'MATCH (c:Counter) SET c.count = c.count + size([f IN $deletedNodes WHERE id(f) > 0])',

we can execute (also in this case, after a time defined by the configuration apoc.trigger.refresh):

Table 4. Results
name query selector params installed paused


MATCH (c:Counter) SET c.count = c.count + size([f IN $deletedNodes WHERE id(f)  0])





Please note that, since the trigger operations are eventually consistent (based on apoc.trigger.refresh configuration), the may return some triggers not yet added/updated/removed.

If you want the list of currently installed triggers, you can use the apoc.trigger.list against the session database ("neo4j" in the above case)

Export metadata

To import triggers in another database (for example after a ./neo4j-admin backup and /neo4j-admin restore), please see the apoc.systemdb.export.metadata procedure.