
Function APOC Full

apoc.graph.filterProperties(anyEntityObject, nodePropertiesToRemove, relPropertiesToRemove)

Aggregation function which returns an object {node: [virtual nodes], relationships: [virtual relationships]} without the properties defined in nodePropertiesToRemove and relPropertiesToRemove


apoc.graph.filterProperties(value :: ANY?, nodePropertiesToRemove :: MAP?, relPropertiesToRemove :: MAP?) :: ANY?

The nodePropertiesToRemove and relPropertiesToRemove parameter are maps with key the label/relationship type and value the list of properties to remove from the virtual entities. The key can also be _all, for both of them, which means that the properties of each label/rel-type are filtered.

Usage Examples

Given the following dataset:

CREATE (:Person {name: "foo", plotEmbedding: "11"})-[:REL {idRel: 1, posterEmbedding: "33"}]->(:Movie {name: "bar", plotEmbedding: "22"}),
                 (:Person {name: "baz", plotEmbedding: "33"})-[:REL {idRel: 1, posterEmbedding: "66"}]->(:Movie {name: "ajeje", plotEmbedding: "44"})

we can execute:

MATCH path=(:Person)-[:REL]->(:Movie)
WITH apoc.graph.filterProperties(path, {Movie: ['posterEmbedding'], Person: ['posterEmbedding', 'plotEmbedding', 'plot', 'bio']}) as graph
RETURN graph.nodes AS nodes, graph.relationships AS relationships
Table 1. Results
nodes relationships

[(:Person {name: "1"}), (:Movie {name: "bar"}), (:Movie {title: "1",tmdbId: "ajeje"}), (:Person {name: "baz"}), (:Person {name: "uno"}), (:Movie {name: "ajeje"}), (:Movie {title: "1",tmdbId: "due"}), (:Movie {title: "1",tmdbId: "ajeje"}), (:Person {name: "1"}), (:Movie {title: "1",tmdbId: "ajeje"}), (:Person {name: "foo"}), (:Person {name: "1"})]

[[:REL], [:REL {idRel: 1}], [:REL {idRel: 1}], [:REL], [:REL], [:REL]]│


MATCH path=(:Person)-[:REL]->(:Movie)
WITH apoc.graph.filterProperties(path, {_all: ['plotEmbedding', 'posterEmbedding', 'plot', 'bio']}) as graph
RETURN graph.nodes AS nodes, graph.relationships AS relationships

with the same result as above.