
The Needle Starterkit makes use of the official Neo4j Needle React component library. You can use these components together with the higher-order components part of the starter kit.


The default template consists of the following higher level components:

Component Architecture
  • The Header is the title bar of the page, containing universal components irrespective of the current page’s scope.

  • A Logo for the application. Neo4j’s logo is used by default.

  • User details for the currently connected user.

  • Application-level Settings, that are global to the entire app. (e.g. switching between light/dark mode)

  • A dynamic PageLayout, which can change based on the user’s current view / scope.

  • A SideNav that lets the user switch between different application contexts.

  • The page Content containing the key functionality for the current context.

Additional Components

An example Connection Modal is available under src/components/ConnectionModal.tsx. If your application requires a (direct) Neo4j connection, this modal can be re-used to let users sign in to their Neo4j databases.