Neo4j Needle StarterKit

Reactjs Responsive Starter Kit for building an app using Neo4j Needle for accelerating your Neo4j-powered front-end tools.

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  • 🚀 Responsive: Adapts to different screen sizes for optimal user experience.

  • 🌚 Dark/Light Mode Theme 🌞: Includes a theme wrapper to switch between light and dark modes.

  • ⚙️ Neo4j Integration: A simple example for connecting to a Neo4j database.

  • 🔐 Neo4j Auto-connect: Automatically connects to the Neo4j database if the user has a session saved.

  • 💻 Side Navigation: Offers a navigational sidebar for easy access to different parts of the application.

  • 🛠️️ Modular approach: Facilitates easy customization.


  • To get started, see the Quickstart page.

  • For details on the available components, see the Components page.

  • Example applications are available under Examples.

  • If you want to contribute to this project, see Contributing.