Getting started
As an example to get you started, here are the steps to retrieve and display data from a Neo4j database for the Movie graph.
Retrieve data
First, to retrieve data, we can create a function that will return the data we need in the src/utils/Driver.tsx
In this example, we will focus on getting all the actors for the movie The Matrix
export async function getMatrixActors() {
const session = driver.session();
const result = await session.run(
'MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(movie:Movie {title: "The Matrix"}) RETURN actor.name AS actorName'
let listActors : string[] = [];
result.records.map((record) => (
return listActors;
In this function, we execute a cypher query to retrieve all the actors that acted in the movie The Matrix
, and return their name.
We then return an array, containing all the actors' names.
Display data
To display the data, we will have to update the src/components/Content.tsx
import { setDriver, disconnect, getMatrixActors } from '../utils/Driver'; (1)
export default function Content() {
const [listActors, setListActors] = useState<Array<string>>([]); (2)
function retrieveMatrixActors() {
getMatrixActors().then((actors) => {
{!connectionStatus ? (
<Button onClick={() => setOpenConnection(true)}>Connect to Neo4j</Button>
) : (
<div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px'}}>
<Button onClick={retrieveMatrixActors}>Get The Matrix actors</Button>
<Typography variant='body-medium'>The Matrix actors:</Typography>
<div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px'}}>
{listActors.length > 0 ? (
{listActors.map((actor) => (
<li key={actor}>{actor}</li>
) : (
<Typography variant='body-medium'>No actors found</Typography>
<Button onClick={() => disconnect().then(() => setConnectionStatus(false))}>Disconnect</Button>
1 | Import our new function getMatrixActors in the existing import statement. |
2 | Create a new state variable to store the list of actors we will retrieve from the database. |
3 | Create a button click handler that will call our getMatrixActors function and update the state variable with the result when we click. |
4 | Display the data in a simple list. |
This page will contain a set of example applications built using the Needle starter kit. Looking for inspiration on what to build? Check out this post on the Neo4j Developer Blog.