
Getting started

As an example to get you started, here are the steps to retrieve and display data from a Neo4j database for the Movie graph.

Retrieve data

First, to retrieve data, we can create a function that will return the data we need in the src/utils/Driver.tsx file. In this example, we will focus on getting all the actors for the movie The Matrix.

export async function getMatrixActors() {
  const session = driver.session();
  const result = await session.run(
    'MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]-(movie:Movie {title: "The Matrix"}) RETURN actor.name AS actorName'
  let listActors : string[] = [];
  result.records.map((record) => (
  return listActors;

In this function, we execute a cypher query to retrieve all the actors that acted in the movie The Matrix, and return their name. We then return an array, containing all the actors' names.

Display data

To display the data, we will have to update the src/components/Content.tsx file.

import { setDriver, disconnect, getMatrixActors } from '../utils/Driver'; (1)

export default function Content() {
  const [listActors, setListActors] = useState<Array<string>>([]); (2)

  function retrieveMatrixActors() {
    getMatrixActors().then((actors) => {

      {!connectionStatus ? (
        <Button onClick={() => setOpenConnection(true)}>Connect to Neo4j</Button>
      ) : (
        <div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px'}}>
          <Button onClick={retrieveMatrixActors}>Get The Matrix actors</Button>
            <Typography variant='body-medium'>The Matrix actors:</Typography>
            <div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '5px'}}>
              {listActors.length > 0 ? (
                  {listActors.map((actor) => (
                    <li key={actor}>{actor}</li>
              ) : (
                <Typography variant='body-medium'>No actors found</Typography>
          <Button onClick={() => disconnect().then(() => setConnectionStatus(false))}>Disconnect</Button>
1 Import our new function getMatrixActors in the existing import statement.
2 Create a new state variable to store the list of actors we will retrieve from the database.
3 Create a button click handler that will call our getMatrixActors function and update the state variable with the result when we click.
4 Display the data in a simple list.


This page will contain a set of example applications built using the Needle starter kit. Looking for inspiration on what to build? Check out this post on the Neo4j Developer Blog.