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The Fastest Path to Graph

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The world's leading graph database as a fully-managed cloud service — zero-admin, globally available and always-on.

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Global Availability,
Multi-Cloud Freedom

Available on AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud in over 60 global cloud regions. AuraDB can be deployed close to your application in the region of your choice¹. AuraDB's architecture ensures you can migrate to or across clouds seamlessly, and operate everywhere with consistency and performance. With AuraDB, you avoid cloud vendor lock-in with the freedom of choice.

¹Any region availability on Enterprise tier. See Pricing page for details.

Our Promises

It is the easiest and fastest way to use graph database to query data and get real-time insights

Zero Administration

Provision in minutes, scale on-demand. Automated service upgrades, patches and maintenance, no downtime.

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Mission-Critical Ready

Highly available, self-healing infrastructure with fully managed backups for automated data recovery.

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Enterprise-Class Security

Granular security with advanced controls to protect your sensitive data and meet compliance needs.

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Built by Developers, for Developers

Build apps faster and easier with high query performance, drivers, built-in tools and integrations supported by the largest graph community.

Reactive Driver Architecture

A Reactive architecture – from client applications and consumers through the network stack all the way to the database – allows for efficient use of compute, network bandwidth and minimizes latency for processing. A Reactive architecture also prevents overloading of clients by supporting backpressure to the data source.

Lightning-Fast Graph Query Performance

Run complex queries over large graphs and slash request latencies from minutes (or hours) to milliseconds, with 10x less resources than RDBMS or NoSQL.

Cypher: Easy, Powerful Query Language

Cypher is the most widely used graph query language. Writing, understanding and maintaining Cypher queries is straightforward, simplifying application maintenance. At the same time, Cypher's building blocks are powerful enough for complex processing, reducing the number of roundtrips to the database. The top-notch query planner and execution engine utilize database information to optimally run statements for your needs.

MATCH (p:Product)-[:CATEGORY]->(l:ProductCategory)-[:PARENT*0..]->(:ProductCategory {name:"Dairy Products"})
Here's a similar query in SQL, which is longer and more complex. Unlike Cypher, where depth is unlimited, this SQL query selects just three levels of depth.
SELECT p.ProductName
FROM Product AS p
JOIN ProductCategory pc ON (p.CategoryID = pc.CategoryID AND pc.CategoryName = "Dairy Products")

JOIN ProductCategory pc1 ON (p.CategoryID = pc1.CategoryID)
JOIN ProductCategory pc2 ON (pc1.ParentID = pc2.CategoryID AND pc2.CategoryName = "Dairy Products")

JOIN ProductCategory pc3 ON (p.CategoryID = pc3.CategoryID)
JOIN ProductCategory pc4 ON (pc3.ParentID = pc4.CategoryID)
JOIN ProductCategory pc5 ON (pc4.ParentID = pc5.CategoryID AND pc5.CategoryName = "Dairy Products");

Flexible Data Model

With the property graph model, the data model you design on a whiteboard is the same as what you store in Neo4j and implement in your application. Even non-developers can continually understand the model and guide its evolution.

Broad Language Support

Neo4j officially supports drivers for .Net, Java, JavaScript, Go and Python. Higher level integrations like Spring Data Neo4j and the GRANDstack for GraphQL ease application development. AuraDB's UI comes with examples for these languages out of the box, customized for your databases.

Our community contributors thankfully provide drivers for PHP, Ruby, R, Erlang, Clojure, C/C++ and more.

Easy Migration to AuraDB

Several tools, web-based and command line, allow easy migration of your Neo4j databases to AuraDB. In the AuraDB UI, simply upload local Neo4j .dump files via drag and drop.

Neo4j Workspace

Get started quickly with Workspace, a no-code experience that combines the tools you need in one location to design a data model, preview the model, import the data, and explore and query the database.

Neo4j browser rendering

Monitoring Dashboard

The monitoring dashboard features visual charts with continuous reporting of database performance, and resource utilization allows investigations of unexpected behavior and confirmation of ongoing operations.

Extended Functionality

APOC is a standard utility library with frequently used and powerful procedures and functions that can be used as building blocks within your Cypher queries. The larger part of APOC (apoc-core) is available out of the box in AuraDB, and automatically updated.

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AuraDB Free

For small development projects, learning, experimentation and prototyping.
$0 Forever
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AuraDB Professional

For medium scale applications in advanced development or production environments.
$65/month* (and up)
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AuraDB Enterprise

For large scale, mission-critical applications that require advanced security and 24x7 support.
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*Sales tax may be applied to all orders shipping to MA, NY, TN, TX or WA, and this amount will be updated and added to your order total once you have entered your shipping address. If you are located elsewhere, your jurisdiction may require you to report this purchase and pay the appropriate taxes directly.

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