
JTS Queries

Neo4j-Spatial contains the 'Java Topology Suite', a library of geometries and geometry operations. In fact, whenever we use the term 'Geometry' we are refering to the JTS class Geometry. Likewise, the subclasses of Geometry: Point, LineString, Polygon and others are all from JTS. This means that you can use all the capabilities of JTS to operate on Geometry instances you obtain from the database. If, for example, you perform a search for geometries in a certain area, you will be able to iterate over the results and for each geometry returned, call JTS methods on that class. For example, you could call geometry.

But The spatial queries implemented are:

  • Contain

  • Cover

  • Covered By

  • Cross

  • Disjoint

  • Intersect

  • Intersect Window

  • Overlap

  • Touch

  • Within

  • Within Distance