openCypher: Transactions and Analytics with Neo4j and Cypher for Spark

18 May, 2017

The openCypher project aims to turn the Cypher graph query language into an open, collaborative standard. The first openCypher Implementers Meeting (oCIM) at SAP's headquarters in February 2017 drew over 35 attendees from around ten companies and research groups. There are new features coming in Cypher, some of them already making it into the Neo4j product, others still in design. One big topic is "multiple graphs" – how to make Cypher a composable language that takes graphs in and pushes graphs out. This is a natural fit for graph analytic processing in the Apache Spark environment. Hear about transactions and analytics with Cypher, Neo4j and Spark, i.e., the future of graph data management.

Alastair Green, Petra Selmer and Stefan Plantikow, Neo4j

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