Moving from the Static Grid to the Virtualized Graph — Aaron Wallace, Pitney Bowes

16 Nov, 2017

Business requirements such as the relatively new General Data Protection Regulation in Europe are driving a need to better understand customer data assets and where they reside within the organization. Businesses are collecting mountains of information about their customers that, when organized effectively, offers the potential to reduce regulatory and compliance risk.

Many organizations store information in data warehouses, or more recently, data lakes. However, with customer databases collecting hefty streams of data on a daily basis, wading through and determining what information is useful or relevant for initiatives such as GDPR can become a very daunting task.

A key aspect of delivering Single View solutions involves understanding relevant data assets and their quality and suitability for purpose: bridging the gap between the business and IT sides of the organizations requires a focus on enterprise metadata, with the ability to collaborate on whiteboard style models, maps of existing data assets to these models, and an ability to profile directly against these models to evaluate their relevance. Graph provides a natural way to model these requirements, and to understand the Enterprise Metadata Graph and its typically complex set of relationships.

This presentation will show how the answer is to adopt a new approach and develop a Single View and Enterprise Metadata Management strategy around Graph databases, with an eye towards key business drivers like GDPR, to deliver a model that is far quicker to implement and more agile than anything that has gone before.

Speaker: Aaron Wallace, Principal Product Manager, Pitney Bowes
Location: GraphConnect NYC 2017

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