How Neo4j Sparked a New Wave of Innovation at Adobe Behance

18 Nov, 2019

Presented by David Fox, Systems Engineer at Adobe

In 2017, Adobe Behance turned to Neo4j to power our activity feed experience in replacement of a bloated Cassandra-based architecture. The activity feed is the centerpiece of the logged-in user experience, allowing users to follow their favorite creators, moodboards, and curated galleries (galleries of content, ex. Graphic design, photography, etc. curated by professional curators). After the switch to Neo4j, Behance’s activity feed infrastructure quickly became one of the most effective and innovation-friendly parts of their tech stack. Since the initial introduction, Adobe has now used Neo4j to build numerous features on top of their activity feed infrastructure, including recommendations for ephemeral content and a strategically formed customized content feed for our logged-in homepage experience.

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