7 – What’s New with Neo4j 4 3

07 Jul, 2021

Learn from experts about some of the most significant updates made to Neo4j 4.3, and achieve unlimited scale, mission-critical confidence, and developer flexibility!

Ivan Zorratti
Product Manager, Neo4j

Ivan leads the Product Management team for the Neo4j Database. He started his career at Digital Equipment Corporation, following his passion for the kernel of the PdP 11 machines and later with VAX/VMS Macro programming and networking. An author, an entrepreneur, he was founder of Dianomic Systems (an IoT startup), CTO at SkySQL (now MariaDB) and led Systems and Sales Engineering teams at MySQL, Sun and Oracle.

Anton Persson
Engineer, Neo4j

Neo4j Engineer, Kernel team with focus on indexing.

Valdemar Roxling
Engineer, Neo4j

Neo4j core database engineer with focus on concurrent, performant and resource efficient problem solving to improve data storage and access with Neo4j.

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