7 – Bridging the Gap Using Graph Data Science to Reconcile Disparate Data with Ontologies

08 Jul, 2021

Ontologies allow data scientists to forgo directly aligning disparate taxonomies between datasets and to traverse them using common and trusted language. We will explore methods for reconciling taxonomies with ontologies, their efficacy, and how to implement an automated alignment process at scale.

Elizabeth Michel
Senior Analytics Engineer, Tamr

I strive to bridge the gap between data science and business value. All too often, data teams are siloed from their executives, and those making the decisions for the company are not armed with the information necessary to develop data-driven insight. A dashboard is only as good as the data behind it, and one discrepancy or error in a visualization or analytic can and will undermine data trust within the enterprise.

As a Senior Analytics Engineer at Tamr, my role is to enable business users to reap the benefits of technical solutions and to fully realize the value of their data ecosystem. For many of the largest global enterprises, immense analytic value is just waiting to be unlocked, and my goal is to bring data projects through the finish line so that every team within the company can drive their decisions with trusted data.

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