Modelling Multi Omics data in Neo4j to identify targets for strain development

11 Nov, 2021

Dr. Peeyush Sahu – Clariant
In Clariant biotechnology unit, a big area of research is strain development for Biofuel production. To gather a holistic overview of organism/strain specific biological functions and support a directed target discovery, we utilize multiple omics methods and integrate resulting data into a common knowledge graph. We use neo4j to model these complex relationships and to guarantee a FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data concept.

Our third Neo4j Health Care & Life Sciences Workshop has been set up to showcase practical solutions to common problems as well as helping to incubate collaboration, innovation and good practice. Graph databases are powerful tools that are inherently capable of managing vast quantities of data points and the web of relationships between them. As people start turning to tools like Neo4j for answers there are inevitably more questions: data modeling, performance, resilience, interoperability. These are the kinds of questions we want to help you answer.

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