The Aftermath of SpringONE
After a LOT of hard work, I came out of Chicago extremely happy to have met some great people within Neo and in the Spring community.
The week got kicked off with an All Hands meeting, where all 25 of us got together to discuss different departments and strategy. The highlight, of course, was the segway tour!! So fun. And the weather was fantastic, which was lucky.
We then had the After Party following the opening keynote for SpringONE. We handed out “Follow the White Rabbit” t-shirts, and plasma balls. We hosted a trivia game, and Team RockPaperScissors all won iPads (congrats guys!). Other prizes were iPod Touches, and portable speaker systems.
We held a raffle to win another iPad, and we’re announcing the winner this WEEK! So watch out for an email.
It was great to have the whole team at the conference, because whenever anyone stopped by the booth, they were able to talk to one of our great teammates. If you haven’t met the people from Neo4j, be sure you do. All are able to talk to your background, relate it to graphs, and discuss solutions that fit. It was also fun to see the staff shirts pop throughout the crowd.
Back to reality on Monday!