51 – Trucks on a Graph: How JB Hunt Uses Neo4j

18 Jun, 2022


• Srinivas Kolluru, Senior Director, JB Hunt
• Donovan Bergin, Expert Software Engineer, JB Hunt
Session type: Full Length Session

Abstract: At JB Hunt, we needed to modernize how we store, surface, and react to streaming telemetry data for well over 100,000 assets, including trucks, trailers, and containers. Neo4j AuraDB enables flexibility and performance in storing information from many disparate sources and vendors into a unified data model for use in daily operations. Moreover, it positions us to grow our graph, use cases, and capabilities as we continue our path to digital transformation. Our current architecture leverages the intake of streaming data from Kafka, writes telemetry graphs to our Neo4j instance, surfaces that data via APIs, and reacts to events with KSQL streams. We’ll present our use case, data models, and infrastructure, showing you how these technologies work in concert to provide the data and insights required to remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

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