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ONLINE – Neo4j Lightning Modeling

In this remote session you learn how to design, implement and evolve a graph database model.

Expect these questions to be answered:
  • What are the elements of the property graph model?
  • How does your project workflow change?
  • What are some of the common patterns?
  • What is special about modeling for Graph Data Science?

There will be time set aside to answer any of your questions, so please feel free to bring your queries to the session.

There will be a practical element to this session. For this you will be provided with access to a virtual database server (there’s no need to install anything).

Level: Beginner, although this session requires some basic knowledge and understanding of graph databases (attending our Neo4j Lightning Sessions Basics on September 21st is sufficient).

  • Developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • DBAs
  • Business Analysts
  • IT Architects
  • Project managers

About the Instructor
At the age of 15, Tom Geudens’ parents gave him a choice. Either become a baker or go into IT. That Christmas Santa brought a MSX home computer, the choice was made. So while there will not be any croissants provided during this session you will benefit from somebody that has 30 years of experience in IT and is currently a member of the Neo4j EMEA Field Team.

Please note: You will be emailed credentials and access information ahead of this online session, so please ensure that the email address you sign up with is accurate.



Is Virtual?