IBM’s feeling its way on new capabilities like RDF data store in DB2. Graph data is stored using the Resource Definition Framework (RDF) and queried using the SPARQLquery language to look for triple patterns, conjunctions, disjunctions and optional patterns. “We will bring it [RDF] in, see how it goes, and if this turns out to be a relatively small niche or a passing fad, because the next thing comes along and supersedes it, we will evolve,” Spang said.With the buzz of Big Data and NoSQL, IBM is listening to the “conversation” and looking into new languages and frameworks. Sprang believes that ‘DB2 can serve as a stable platform for the newer technologies. “We’ve seen this over and over again.” ‘
New technologies come out, new ways to do things, and the advanced guard are looking for rapid deployment and flexibility and an easy of trying things out. When it comes to running [your] own business, then you start worrying about high availability, security, reliability… My answer is, if we already have those things and it’s easier and quicker to add a new technology on top that’s a more scalable and robust system – we will do that.Read the full article.
Keywords: Big Data Graph Store IBM