020 Security and Velocity Through Declarative Ingestion – NODES2022 – Zach Probst

20 Nov, 2022

Learn about Intuit Security's Ingestion System, Munchlax.

Munchlax is a kubernetes powered system for declaratively specifying what to ingest and how to ingest data into a graph database.

In production today, it processes 100s of millions of records and actively helps Intuit stay compliant, map vulnerabilities to effected systems and owners, and score different sites and services for their inherent risk. All of this made possible with an ingestion system that is flexible, easy to use, and fast to develop on.

This talk will dive into the architecture of our system and the decisions behind it. Additionally, we'll show some real examples of just how easy it is to develop new ingestion pipelines.

Speakers: Zach Probst
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Beginner
Topics: #Security, #Database, #API/Drivers, #General, #Beginner

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