033 Using Sport Data to Build a Graph Model of Inconsistent Hierarchies Over Time – NODES2022

21 Nov, 2022

This session teaches a generalizable graph model for nesting teams within leagues across multiple seasons. Sports league structures are often similar, but there are peculiarities in each, such as promotion and relegation; conferences and divisions; teams changing names and locations; and multiple teams from the same college/club. Although the talk uses sport data from the Know Rivalry Database (KRDb), attendees can apply the lessons to company organizational structures or other situations with nested data.

Speakers: David Tyler, Joe Cobbs
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Intermediate
Topics: #BestPractices, #Database, #General, #Intermediate
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/033%20Using%20Sport%20Data%20to%20Build%20a%20Graph%20Model%20of%20Inconsistent%20Hierarchies%20Over%20Time%20-%20NODES2022%20AMERICAS%20Intermediate%2013%20-%20David%20Tyler%2C%20Joe%20Cobbs.pdf

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