085 Hidden in the Clouds Using Graph Technology to Understand Your Cloud Estate – NODES2022

21 Nov, 2022

The modern cloud infrastructure we use to deploy our applications put lots of information at our fingertips: consoles, APIs, dashboards, metrics, etc. But despite all this data, at the FT it was hard to feel confident that we had a good grasp of what we were actually running.

So the Financial Times turned to graph technologies – Neo4j and GraphQL – to build a user-friendly picture of multiple AWS accounts. This is helping keep their data more secure, saving them money, improving engineering efficiency, and providing instant insights that would previously have taken hours or days of research.

In this session, Rhys Evans will share the things that graph allows them to do and outline how you can do something similar using a largely open source set of tools.

Speakers: Rhys Evans
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Intermediate
Topics: #knowledgegraph , #cloud , #security , #graphql , #general , #intermediate
Region: EMEA
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/085%20Hidden%20in%20the%20Clouds%20Using%20Graph%20Technology%20to%20Understand%20Your%20Cloud%20Estate%20-%20NODES2022%20EMEA%20Intermediate%205%20-%20Rhys%20Evans.pdf

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