The Internet Diary uses network analysis on the to look at the intranet as a graph.
Read the full article.Network visualisation: what does your #intranet really look like?
Networks are made up of nodes and edges. In our way of thinking, nodes equate to pages or documents on the intranet, and the edges equate to the hyperlinks from one page or document to another. Most intranet managers could probably state, or at least have a stab at guessing, how many pages and documents (nodes) exist in the intranet. But I would guess that this is as far as it goes. If I asked you how many links (edges) exist in your intranet you’d probably be stumped. I had to get my hands on some CMS data exports a do a fair bit of data manipulation in order to get the answer to this. The number of incoming links (edges) to a page (node) is known as the page’s in-degree. The number of outbound links is known as the out-degree. And edges can be weighted depending on the strength of the connection. Google’s PageRank uses a node’s in-degree – the number of pages linking to a page. It’s the statistical analysis of the number of nodes and edges and the relationships between them that gives us key metrics such as the average degree, closeness, average shortest path, network density, betweenness, centrality, modularity and clustering. These metrics can give usinsight into the structure, character, effectiveness and efficiency of the network.
Keywords: graph visualization Intranet Network Analysis