NOSQL eXchange 2012 was a 1-day conference on November 29 in London organized by Skills Matter on the latest ideas and best practices in NOSQL technologies. The day conference was packed with presentations including several by individuals involved with Neo4j.
Alistair Jones, a developer at Neo Technology, presented the keynote titled “NoSQL at the Crossroads” in the morning.
Recent Graphie award winner and current Neo4j customer Shutl also was present during the conference. Senior Developer
Volker Pacher discusses the challenge at Shutl to build a new API to cope with the company’s rapid growth with traditional database approaches in a talk called “How NoSQL allows Shutl to deliver even faster”.
Ian Robinson, Director of Customer Success at Neo Technology, was the programme lead for the whole day and moderated the afternoon Park Bench Discussion, which included
Volker Pacher – click here to watch a video of that panel.
To view videos of the other sessions, visit the NOSQL eXchange website.
Keywords: nosql NOSQL eXchange Shutl video