From the Neo4j Community: June 2014

Community Manager
2 min read

The Neo4j community once again posted tons of graph-tastic stuff this past month from awesome articles to great GraphGists. Here are a few of our favorites from the Neo4j community in June:
- How the Graph is Driving Tech City Start-ups, by Jim Webber
- Aggregate by different functions and join results into one data frame, by Mark Needham
- Experimenting with Explaining Neo4j on a Whiteboard, by Rik Van Bruggen
- Experiments with NEO4J: Using a graph database as a SQL Server metadata hub, by David Poole
- Extracting Your LinkedIn Connections Into Neo4j Graph Database, by Greg Dziemidowicz
- Find JPA Entities without Field Access, by Aparna Chaudhary
- Graph Databases Find Answers for the Sick and their Healers, by Joab Jackson
- A Graph Database Should Be On Your Technology Radar for the Next Application You Build, by Amir Khawaja
- Hierarchical Pattern Recognition, by Kenny Bastani
- Importing CSV Data into Neo4j to Make a Graph, by Samantha Zeitlin
- Modeling the TOUR DE FRANCE 2014 in a Neo4j Graph Database, by Lorenzo Speranzoni
- Neo4j Unit Testing with Graph Unit, by Aldrin Misquitta and Luanne Misquitta
- Neo4j’s Cypher Vs. Clojure — Group By and Sorting, by Mark Needham
- Rendering a Neo4j Database in UbiGraph, by DZone
- Scaling Concurrent Writes in Neo4j, by Max De Marzi
- Set Based Operations with the experimental Cypher optimiser, by Mark Needham
- Using AsciiArt to Analyse your SourceCode with Neo4j, by Michael Hunger
- Device Troubleshooting using a Graph Database, by Ravi Pappu
- Elite: Dangerous Trading, by Rickard Oberg
- A GraphGist of GraphGists, by May Lim
- The Recruitment Graph Model, by GraphAware
- The Feed is King (or Queen), by Aran Mulholland
- Getting Started with Neo4j, Ruby 2.1.2, and Rails 4.1.1, by Ben Morgan
- Visualization of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Mining Patterns in Data, by Kenny Bastani
- Building Neo4j Backed Web Applications, by Axel Morgner