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Alex Gilmore

Consulting Engineer, Neo4j

Alex Gilmore is a Consulting Engineer at Neo4j.

Latest Posts by Alex Gilmore

Graph Data Models for RAG Applications

When to use graph data models, such as parent-child, question-based, and topic-summary, for RAG applications powered by knowledge graphs. Generated by Microsoft Designer When building a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) application, it can be tempting to just dump your documents in either... read more

PyNeoInstance: A User-Friendly Python Library for Neo4j

Introduction PyNeoInstance was created by my Neo4j colleague Jose Alvarado-Guzman. It allows for easy loading and reading of data in a Neo4j graph by handling tasks such as driver creation and multiprocessing and supports simple configuration with YAML. I have provided a demo GitHub repo here... read more

YouTube Transcripts Into Knowledge Graphs for RAG Applications

IntroductionThis blog will explore how to scrape YouTube video transcripts into a knowledge graph for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. We will use Google Cloud Platform to store our initial transcripts, LangChain to create documents from the transcripts, and a Neo4j graph database... read more