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Amy E. Hodler & Anurag Tandon

Analytics & AI Program Manager / Project Management at Neo4j manages the Neo4j graph analytics programs and marketing. She loves seeing how our ecosystem uses graph analytics to reveal structures within real-world networks and infer dynamic behavior. In her career, Amy has consistently helped teams break into new markets at startups and large companies including EDS, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard (HP). She most recently comes from Cray Inc., where she was the analytics and artificial intelligence market manager. Amy has a love for science and art with an extreme fascination for complexity science and graph theory. When the weather is good, you’re likely to find her cycling the passes in beautiful Eastern Washington.

Anurag’s mission is to help Neo4j customers become successful with our portfolio of end-user products. Prior to Neo4j, Anurag spent almost two decades in big data analytics and business intelligence, while in product and customer-facing roles at Zoomdata and MicroStrategy. He is keenly passionate about enabling visual experiences that allow end users to freely explore their data assets. Anurag holds a B.Tech. from IIT Bombay and an MS from the University of Maryland, both in Mechanical Engineering, and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He lives in Northern Virginia and enjoys leisure time with family and friends, and wandering to new places; ideally both.