Andrea Santurbano Picture

Andrea Santurbano

CTO, Larus BA Italy

Andrea is currently the CTO of Neo4j Partner Larus BA Italy, where he supports all Neo4j releated initiatives, including APOC, ETL-Tool, Spark and Kafka Connector and graph enabled AI/ML products of the company.

Latest Posts by Andrea Santurbano

APOC Hidden Gems: What You Could Have Missed

APOC contains about 500 procedures and functions, here we’ll discuss some of them that are very interesting and use cases about their applications. Enjoy!Started as a very simple collection of useful Procedures and Functions in 2016 the APOC project raised its popularity very quickly, having... read more

Empower your data projects with Apache Zeppelin and Neo4j.

Empower Data Projects with Apache Zeppelin & Neo4j

Interactive notebooks are rising in popularity and replacing PowerPoint presentations in many organizations. In this post, Larus Data Engineer Andrea Santurbano discusses how he uses Zeppelin and Neo4j in different contexts. Andrea helped build a Zeppelin Interpreter that connects directly... read more