Christoffer Bergman Picture

Christoffer Bergman

Director of Engineering, Neo4j

Christoffer Bergman is the Director of Engineering at Neo4j

Latest Posts by Christoffer Bergman

GraphRAG in (Almost) Pure Cypher

In my previous blog, A GenAI-Powered Song Finder in Four Lines of Code, we used vector search to find a song based on a description of the song. We used the vector embeddings just to find a document, but with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), we use the results of the search as context to a... read more

A GenAI-Powered Song Finder in Four Lines of Code

We will build a catalog of songs and lyrics with Neo4j, and use its built-in Gen AI capabilities to find songs from a synopsis of what they are about.Have you ever wanted to find a song, but you don’t remember what it was called, nor who wrote it? Or do you only vaguely remember what it... read more

Tic Tac Toe Challenge in Cypher

We will look at how to use Cypher, the query language for the Neo4j graph database, to write a computer player for a five-in-a-row game, and a competition we had with this for the colleagues at Neo4j.“A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game... read more