David Bader Picture

David Bader

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science

David Bader is a professor and chair member in the school of computational science and engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Bader is a leading expert in solving global grand challenges in science, engineering, computing, and data science.

Bader has served as a lead scientist in several DARPA programs and is a co-founder of the Graph500 list, a rating of “Big Data” computing platforms and is a recurring GraphConnect speaker and attendee.

Latest Posts by David Bader

Learn about predictive analysis from massive knowledge graphs.

Predictive Analysis from Massive Knowledge Graphs on Neo4j

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by David Bader at GraphConnect New York in September 2018. Presentation Summary David Bader, at the time of this talk, was a chair member at Georgia Institute of Technology of Computational Science and Engineering. In his presentation about... read more