David Montag Picture

David Montag

Field Engineering Nordics

David Montag is the lead for providing support and consulting to Enterprise Neo4j users within Silicon Valley. Working closely with Cisco, Adobe and Viadeo, he has first-hand experience working with large scale companies putting Neo4j into production. David has been passionate about computers ever since he was given his first Amiga 500 (with the RAM upgrade) at age seven. Now, 19 years later, he works as a software engineer in the valley for Neo Technology, the commercial backer of Neo4j, the most widely deployed graph database in the world. He loves his supporting family, his fantastic job and programming.

Latest Posts by David Montag

Deciding On Graphs: Four Questions

Originally Posted on Medium Take 5 minutes. Ask yourself the four questions listed below. Answer ‘yes’ to at least one of them, and you might want to consider looking into graph databases like Neo4j. While this checklist is by no means exhaustive, it covers some of the lowest common... read more

Choosing Neo4j

Originally posted on Medium A summary of scenarios and benefits, told through customer stories. Neo4j is a graph database. According to independent site db-engines.com, as of December 2014 graph databases are by far the fastest growing database segment. Neo4j is relied on by... read more