Elaine Rosenberg Picture

Elaine Rosenberg

Curriculum Developer at Neo4j

Elaine Rosenberg is a Curriculum Developer for the Developer Relations team at Neo4j. Her goal is to teach customers how to best use Neo4j by focusing on tasks within the context of role-based learning paths. Elaine has over 25 years experience developing technical training for a variety of database platforms.

Latest Posts by Elaine Rosenberg

This Week in Neo4j – Graphlytic Styles, Graphileon API Endpoints, O’Reilly Knowledge Graphs Course, Twitter Hashtags, Kafka with Neo4j AuraDB, Collatz Conjecture, Reactive Neo4j Spring Data

Hello, everyone! In this issue, we're featuring Alexios Pantavos, a developer who has worked tirelessly to help other Neo4j Community members. The folks at Graphlytic published a video tutorial that shows you how to define rules for mapping styles with Graphlytic. Graphileaon has a... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Liquibase, Crypto Txns Breadcrumbs, Cloud Empire, Java Version Diffs, Gephi, GraphQL 2.2.0, GraphKer

Hello, everyone! This week, we're featuring Anthony Chiboucas, a very active Neo4j Community member. Also in this issue, Florent Biville invites you to test the new tool to migrate from liquigraph to liquibase, which can help you migrate your Neo4j databases. GraphAware and... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – GraphXR, CARD, Relational vs. Graph, Azure Functions, Neo4j Spring Data 6, Load JSON, Videos Galore

Hello, everyone! We hope that some of you were able to attend the hands-on training sessions that the developer relations team members conducted last week. We had a great turnout for these sessions, which were recorded. This week, we feature Bryant Avey, who has worked on many... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – API Summit, GraphQL, Modeling, Nextjs, Image Recognition, KarateClub, Migration

Hello, everyone! I hope you are having a great summer and can take some time to refresh yourselves. In spite of the summer hiatus, many folks have been busy doing Neo4j-related work! This week, we highlight Rajesh Gaddipati and Vishal Kachave as our featured community members. They... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Neo4j 4.3, SemSpect Graph App, Reconciling Taxonomies, Contest Winners, Relationship Indexes, prov2neo, NODES 2021 Recordings

Hello, everyone! We here at Neo4j are still "abuzz" about the presentations last week at NODES 2021 and the exciting announcements by Emil about Neo4j 4.3, AuraDB Free Tier, the massive trillion+ relationship graph, and the series F funding. Let’s keep up the... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Recommendations, Shakespeare, Graphyx, AuraDB Free Tier, Dungeons and Dragons, GraphSAGE, NODES 2021

Hello, everyone! NODES 2021 has come and gone! It was a very successful online developer conference for us. We hope you were able to attend, but if not, we will be posting links to the recordings soon. We thank all of the speakers who presented. The week we're featuring Andrew... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – deps.dev, neo-forgery, Motherlode, tei2neo, RBAC with Azure AD, Prometheus, GraphStuff.FM Podcasts

Hello, everyone! This is the week of NODES 2021! We hope you will be there and can watch the keynote by our awesome CEO, Emil Eifrem. It is on June 17 at 8:00 a.m. ET, 12:00 p.m. UTC, 5:30 p.m. IST. Register here. In this edition, we have selected Samuel Chalvet as our featured... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Graph Embeddings, Confluent with AuraDB, Intro Video, Liquibase, Data Stack Show

Hello, everyone! Don’t miss our free hands-on training sessions (around two hours each day) from June 7 - 11. All folks who register for NODES can attend these sessions (scroll down for details). In this week’s episode, we thank Alberto De Lazzari for his contributions to... read more

This Week in Neo4j: May 29

This Week in Neo4j – Twitchverse, Java Drivers, Encryption, Power BI, Machine Learning, Metadata

Hello, everyone! Don’t miss our free hands-on training sessions the week before NODES 2021. All folks who register for NODES can attend these sessions (scroll down for details). In this week’s episode, Tomaz Bratanic provides a comprehensive tutorial for setting up your... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j: Batch vs. Stream, UX Survey, Kafka Example, Jupyter/Docker for Data Science, Deep Learning

Hello, everyone! We at Neo4j are working to continually improve the UX experience for our users. If you have the time, please consider meeting with us to discuss your experience with our products and what you would like to see in future releases. In this week’s episode, Neo4j's... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Graph Embeddings, Reddit, jQAssistant, Helidon, Corporate Data, Query Tuning

Hello, everyone! In this week’s episode, Tomaz Bratanic teaches you how to visualize graph embedding algorithm results in NEuler. Ümit Kaan Usta has developed a Reddit Detective Python application that can be used to discover potentially problematic data... read more

This Week in Neo4j: Neo4j Streams, Event Processing, Py2Neo, News as Knowledge Graphs

Hello, everyone! In this week’s episode, Neo4j Engineering announced the release of Neo4j Streams with many new features. Dirk Fahland describes his project to transform event logs into a knowledge graph and the templates he has published. Rick Van Bruggen writes about how he... read more

Everything You Need to Know About Our Neo4j Certifications

Photo by Vasily Koloda on UnsplashWhether you want to assess your skills, improve your CV, impress your boss or your family, the Neo4j Certifications will help you demonstrate your expertise with the most widely-used graph database.Neo4j is committed to making your application development... read more

Check out the latest free online training courses to master Neo4j 4.x and become a certified graph database professional.

Announcing New Introduction to Neo4j 4.x Online Training Courses!

We have reorganized our Introduction to Neo4j course into multiple courses and we just published them on our GraphAcademy site. We have found that some users simply want an overview of Neo4j without needing to learn how to write Cypher statements. Other users want to learn how to query the... read more

Learn about this updated GraphAcademy course on ML link prediction

Updated GraphAcademy Course: Using a Machine Learning Workflow for Link Prediction

We have updated a course in our catalog of free online courses – Using a Machine Learning Workflow for Link Prediction. This course is intended for experienced Cypher and Python developers and data scientists who want to learn how to apply graph algorithms from the Neo4j Graph Data... read more

Enroll in this course on graph algorithms today.

New GraphAcademy Course: Introduction to Graph Algorithms in Neo4j 4.0

We have added this new course to our catalog of free online courses – Introduction to Graph Algorithms in Neo4j 4.0. This course is intended for experienced Cypher developers and data scientists who want to learn the most important best practices for using the algorithms in the Graph... read more

Learn about our new GraphAcademy course, Cypher Query Tuning in Neo4j 4.0.

New GraphAcademy Course: Cypher Query Tuning in Neo4j 4.0

We have added this new course to our catalog of free online courses – Cypher Query Tuning 4.0. This course is intended for experienced Cypher developers who want to learn about the most important best practices for writing queries that are performant. This course includes hands-on... read more