Jesús Barrasa Picture

Jesús Barrasa

Head of Solutions Architecture for EMEA, Neo4j

Dr. Jesús Barrasa is an expert in semantic technologies and graph databases. He is the head of the solutions architecture team in EMEA at Neo4j and leads the development of neosemantics (a Neo4j plugin for RDF). He cowrote Building Knowledge Graphs: A Practitioner’s Guide (O’Reilly), Data in Context for Responsive Businesses (O’Reilly) and is cohost of the Going Meta live webcast.

Latest Posts by Jesús Barrasa

Learn about ontologies in Neo4j.

Ontologies in Neo4j: Semantics and Knowledge Graphs

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Jesús Barrasa at GraphConnect New York City in September 2018. Presentation Summary Jesús Barrasa is the director of Telecom Solutions with Neo4j. In today’s talk, he speaks from his background in semantic technologies. Barrasa starts... read more

Watch this webinar on how a graph platform can improve your company's digital asset management

Graph-Powered Digital Asset Management with Neo4j [Video]

Managing digital assets and instance-level metadata is critical for many companies. For more videos like this one, check out upcoming and on-demand video content in the Neo4j Webinar library. Digital asset management (DAM) affects everything, from content availability to the analysis of... read more