Posts By
Karin Wolok
Neo4j Program Manager, Community Development & Enablement
Karin Wolok has worked for some of the most-renowned individuals and companies in the world, launched a successful professional women’s network in two major cities in the U.S., and developed a consumer concert experience program for the largest global entertainment company.
Transitioning her career from entertainment to technology, she became the first hire for a venture-backed start-up company in Philadelphia, where she went from working “rap battles to robot battles.” She found her passion in working with software engineers and programmers.
Within less than two years with the company, she became a notable leader in community development within the tech space in Philadelphia.
She is motivated by bring success and positive energy to the lives of those around her and prides herself in her ability to network and connect with individuals.
And just like in Neo4j, relationships are key!

Neo4j Certified Professionals Now Get Access to Advanced-Level Virtual Training Sessions
2 min read
Check Out Some of This Year’s Graphs4Good GraphHack Projects
6 min read

Calling All Nodes: Join Us for Global Graph Celebration Day – April 15, 2020!
5 min read
This Week in Neo4j – Full Text Search Tips and Tricks, Learning Geography, MongoDB to Graph
3 min read
This Week in Neo4j – Building a Fashion Knowledge Graph, Carrefour Basket Dataset Challenge, Community detection on Game of Thrones, Analysing Network Traffic
4 min read