Laurence Liew Picture

Laurence Liew

Founder of 1degreenorth

Laurence Liew is the founder of 1degreenorth.

As a veteran of the open source and HPC/Grid/Cloud community, Laurence has been promoting the use of open source software, Linux/HPC/Grid since 1998. He built the very first commercial Linux cluster for a local research institute in 1999 and has since implemented and consulted for many organizations in APJ, Europe and the US, on HPC, Grid and now Cloud.

Latest Posts by Laurence Liew

Learn about the Growing Number of Neo4j Resources for Singapore Developers

Singapore Developers: Welcome to the Neo4j Community!

Good news for developers in the Lion City: The Neo4j ecosystem now includes a budding new community in Singapore! While Neo Technology will always have a Swedish soul, we’ve already welcomed a number of nations to the worldwide graph of Neo4j developers (with the most recent being Japan). Now,... read more