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Lju Lazarevic

Developer Advocate Neo4j

Lju is a Developer Advocate in the Developer Relations Team at Neo4j. She enjoys educating folks with talks, articles and screencasts.
Before that she was a member of Neo4j’s EMEA field team, and an Enterprise Information/Data Architect in a previous life. She is a data geek who is keen to show the world the power of connected data.

Latest Posts by Lju Lazarevic

Getting Started with :PLAY Movies

How to get up and running on one of my favorite graphy examples in minutes on either the Neo4j Sandbox or Neo4j Aura Free.Markus Spiske on UnsplashThe :PLAY movies built-in Browser guide is one of my most favourite examples of getting started with a graph database. Why? I hear you ask!... read more

Neo4j Bloom Tips and Tricks for Domain Knowledge Experts

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Lju Lazarevic at GraphConnect New York City in September 2018. Presentation Summary In this talk, Dr. Lazarevic will share some Neo4j Bloom tips and tricks for domain knowledge experts who don’t necessarily have a background in SQL and/or... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Teaching Graphs, Graph Data Science Notebooks, COVID-19, NeoMap, Drivers Galore, XRPlorer

Greetings graphistas! In this week’s edition we watch Risa Myers’ NODES talk where she shares her experiences on teaching Neo4j to students. Tomaz Bratanic walks us through how to migrate existing code from the Graph Algorithms library to its successor, the Graph Data Science... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Reducing visualization complexity, BloodHound 3.0, Gene Regulation Graph Database, Pokemon Day, 4.0 Webinar, GraphTour Europe developer campfire talks

Greetings graphistas! I’m taking on the newsletter batton from Jennifer this week whilst Mark Needham is enjoying his well-earned break. In this week’s edition we learn from Jan Zek a powerful yet simple approach for reducing complexity when visualizing graph data. Bloodhound... read more