Michael Simons Picture

Michael Simons

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Neo4j

Michael is a Java champion and Senior Staff Software Engineer at Neo4j.

Latest Posts by Michael Simons

Announcing Neo4j JDBC Driver Version 6

Neo4j has had a JDBC Driver for about 8 years in 2024, see our announcement in 2016 by my friend and colleague Michael Hunger.This driver was developed and maintained by our valued partner LARUS over the last years. We thank you and appreciate your work on this.We’re excited to... read more

Describing a Property Graph Data Model

Photo by Pietro Jeng on UnsplashProblem StatementAlmost all client applications we build at Neo4j are interested in knowing what’s in the database. Not the actual data, but the shape of it, its schema.Since we have no standard way of describing it yet, it leads to a situation where... read more

All Those Beautiful Records…

Java 17 Records and the Neo4j-Java-DriverBack in March 2020 Java 14 has been released with the first preview of java.lang.Record respectively the record keyword: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/language/records.html. Record classes, which are a special kind of class, help to model plain... read more

Neo4j Ops Manager and Spring Data Neo4j

Nom, nom, nom…In the last week of June 2022, Neo4j Ops Manager (NOM) was released. Our colleague Chris Shelmerdine published a great post with many insights into functionality but also into technical details about how NOM is built: Introducing Neo4j Ops Manager: The Tool You Need to... read more

Tailor-Made Neo4j Connectivity With Spring Boot 2.4+

Spring Boot has support for a broad range of properties to configure the Neo4j Java Driver since Spring Boot 2.4. The Neo4j team worked together with VMWare engineers to make this as integrated as possible.What does that mean? You can either go to start.spring.io and add “Neo4j” as a... read more