From the Community: May 2015

Community Curator
2 min read

GraphConnect Europe:
- GraphConnect Europe: (Graphs)-[:ARE]->(Everywhere) by Andy Smale

Emil Eifrem presented at GraphConnect Europe on how graphs are eating the world.
- On Graph Databases. Interview with Emil Eifrem by Roberto V. Zicari
- An Interview with Jim Webber, Chief Scientist at Neo Technology by Adele Green
- Scraping and Graphing the Apple App Store by Brian Joyce
- How to build a Python web application with Flask and Neo4j – PyCon SE 2015 by Nicole White
- Preview of new graph editor by Structr
- The essence of Spring Data Neo4j 4 by Luanne Misquitta
- The Social Graph of Customer Service by Michael Moore
- Neo4j: What a graph database is and what it is used for by Juan Cía
- Analyzing EuroVision votes by David Montag
- Modelling game economy with Neo4j by Yan Cui
- Visualizing the ties between big pharma and doctors in France by Jean Villedieu
- Using Neo4j Spatial and Mapbox to search for businesses by location by William Lyon
- Using Graph Analysis to Decompose Monoliths into Microservices with Neo4j by Kenny Bastani
- Easy Graph Visualization with Vis.js by Christophe Willemsen
- Neo4j: BBC football live text fouls graph by Mark Needham
- Cypher: Variable Length Relationships by Example by Christophe Willemsen and Michal Bachman
- Apache Spark Ecosystem Grows Rapidly – Has Hadoop Met Its Match? by Merja Kajava
- Cycling Tweets Part 1: Who’s who on Twitter by Rik Van Bruggen