New Neo4j 3.0 Online Training Classes for Cypher & Production Deployment

Head of Product Innovation & Developer Strategy, Neo4j
2 min read

Since the launch of Neo4j 3.0 at GraphConnect Europe, we’ve been working on moving our online training classes to their new home on By running the classes on our own site, we want to provide a better integrated experience – both now and going forward.
As part of the move we also upgraded the content of both classes, integrating the feedback we got from you, the learners. And, of course, we used the opportunity to refresh the content for the specifics of Neo4j 3.0.
The Shiny New Introduction to Graph Databases Course
We revamped the “Introduction to Graph Databases” class to focus more on Cypher, the most widely used graph query language, that makes Neo4j so much easier to use. Besides graph querying, it now also covers how to create and update graph data using Cypher and how to import CSV data from other sources.
You can run the exercises of the class either in your locally installed Neo4j database or in the course query widget that comes with tips and hints and even a solution to help you solve the assigned tasks.
Going forward, we will also offer the course an in-browser guide delivered via our Neo4j Browser Sync cloud service.
We also streamlined the introductory class so that you can finish it now in about 60-90 minutes while still learning all the relevant bits and pieces. You can invest the time savings in modeling and importing your own connected information and building your first graph application. This should be much faster and easier using our new official language drivers for Neo4j 3.0.
Other Updates and Feedback
The “Neo4j to Production” course was updated by our field engineers to be in line with all the operational changes for Neo4j 3.0. Kudos to Sven Janko for the extensive work.
If you have questions and want to give or get some quick feedback please send us an email, or join our public neo4j-users Slack and ask in the #online-training channel.
What are you waiting for? Sign up for a Neo4j 3.0 online training class today and catch up to speed with the world’s leading graph database.