From the Neo4j Community: May 2016

Senior Manager, Content, Neo4j
3 min read

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Articles and Blog Posts
- Querying Graphs with Neo4j, by Michael Hunger
- A Database Game of Thrones, by Gary Flood
- Panama Papers: Finding connections using the power of the graph database, by Colin Barker
- Neo4j 3.0 Moves Graph Databases Closer to Mainstream, by Darryl K. Taft
- Java Panama Papers Neo4J Network Generator, by Philip Garnett
- Training Day: A first flavour of Neo4j v3.0, by Christos Hadjinikolis
- Using Neo4j to map Tumblr communities, by Zsolt Sz. Sztupák
- How to Use Neo4j with Rails, by Federico Ramallo
- Neo4j: Graph Databases Are for More than Social Media, by Joab Jackson
- Graph database technology starts to come of age beyond social media, by Stephen Pritchard
- Neo4j vs Relational: Refactoring – Add a new field/property, by Mark Needham
- Dancing Graph, by Caitlin McDonald
- Your Inbox and Where We Can Traverse from There
- Neo4j vs Relational: Refactoring – Extracting node/table, by Mark Needham
- The Future of Data and Databases, by C. Thomas Smith
- Executive Insights on Data Persistence, by C. Thomas Smith
- ARM template for LAP (Linux + Apache + PHP) and Neo4j Deployment, by Brijraj Singh
- Easier Data Migration with Neo4j
- Neo4j 3.0 Welcomes a New Era for Graphs
- Neo4j is for the Non-Technical
From Ben Nussbaum at GraphGrid:
- Building FlowModels with Graphileon Interactor, by Tom Zeppenfeldt
- Code Complete-The spirit of coding
Slides and Presentations
- Microservices Application Tracing Standards and Simulators – Adrians at OSCON, by Adrian Cockcroft
- League of Graphs w/ Neo4j, by Dmitrijs Vrublevskis
Libraries, GraphGists and Code Repos
- Neo4j-Community-Chocolatey, by Glenn Sarti
- Modeling-worked-example, by Mark Needham
- jpersis: Light weighted persistence framework for Java, by Miguel Gonzalez
- panama_import.cypher, by Nicole White
- Panama Papers Import Scripts for Neo4j and Docker, by Michael Hunger
- APOC User Guide, by Max de Marzi
-, by Michael Hunger
- spigo, by Adrian Cockcroft
- neo4j-php-ogm, by Christophe Willemsen
- Neo4j.jl: Messing around with building a Neo4j driver for Julia, by George Lesica
- neo4j-php-client: PHP Client for Neo4j with Enterprise Support, by Christophe Willemsen
- reco4php: Neo4j based Recommendation Engine Framework for PHP, by Christophe Willemsen
- neo4j-php-ogm: Neo4j Object Graph Mapper for PHP, by Christophe Willemsen
- neo4j_sips: A very simple and versatile Neo4J Elixir driver, by Florin T. Patrascu
- gosqui: neo4j_intro_slides.neo4j, by Alexandre González
Other Content
Want to learn more on how RDBMS compare to their graph databases? Download this ebook, The Definitive Guide to Graph Databases for the RDBMS Developer, and discover when and how to use graphs in conjunction with a relational database.