Everything Japanese Developers Need for Success with Neo4j

Managing Director, Creationline, Inc.
3 min read

In the past, there has been quite a shortage of Neo4j materials for Japanese developers, but that’s no longer the case.
Japanese speakers worldwide now have more resources than ever to help them discover and sharpen their skills with the world’s leading graph database.
Join the Tokyo Neo4j User Group
The Tokyo user group for Neo4j developers has been very active since early 2015, with at least 50 regular attendees at each of our meetings.
On 2015 November 9 (at 19:00 JST), we’re excited to announce that Jim Webber, Chief Scientist of Neo Technology and co-author of the O’Reilly Graph Databases book, will present at the Tokyo user group. (Jim will present in English, but Japanese translation will be provided).
Sign up here to join the event.
Along with Jim’s special visit, we will reviewing the big announcements from GraphConnect San Francisco, including the Neo4j 2.3 release, the introduction of openCypher (and Spark partnership) and Neo4j on IBM POWER8.
As the key distributor of Neo4j in Japan, Creationline hosts the Tokyo user group, but Technologic Arts will also be involved in future user group activities and at the November 9 meeting, they’ll be discussing what’s ahead for the Tokyo user group.
The Growing Library of Japanese Neo4j Books
In addition to our growing Neo4j user group, Japanese developers also have more written resources to cultivate their graph database skills.
Most recently, Changhwan Lee has written a new Japanese book on advanced Cypher queries. Lee is a certified Neo4j user and an engineer at Creationline. He’s already written several books on Amazon Cloud and MapReduce and now he’s knee-deep into Neo4j.
Lee has long been developing with relational databases (RDBMS) and SQL, and the focus of the book is to help you translate your SQL skills into Cypher for more advanced graph database queries.
He provides plenty of examples of SQL queries side-by-side with Cypher queries, with plenty of other Cypher tips and tricks from his personal experience.
Reserve your copy here for the new Japanese book on Cypher.
And if you’re just getting into the world of graph databases, the O’Reilly Graph Databases book is a great place for beginners.
Originally written by Jim Webber, Ian Robinson and Emil Eifrem, Graph Databases has been translated into Japanese by Tetsuya Kinoshita (with translation supervision from Naoki Sato). This foundational book talks more about graph databases in general, graph data modeling and the business value of graph databases.
A Final Resource: Official Japanese Distributor of Neo4j
As a Neo4j partner and the official distributor of Neo4j in Japan, Creationline is another great Neo4j resource for Japanese developers, especially those who are interested in bringing Neo4j into their enterprise.
Feel free to reach out to the Creationline team if you have any questions about Neo4j for your business or development team. We’d be glad to help or point you toward the right resource.
Being a Japanese developer shouldn’t be a barrier to using Neo4j, and with these new resources and a growing Japanese-speaking community you now have everything you need to build your next application with the world’s leading graph database.
New to the world of graph databases? Click below to get your free copy of the Japanese translation of O’Reilly’s Graph Databases ebook and discover how to harness graph technology for your mission-critical application today.