Paypal Dev Blog: MLM Engine using Neo4j

In the PayPal Developer Zone, John Wheeler explains how to create an MLM Engine using Neo4j. He explains different MLM models, introduces basic graph concepts, then demonstrates how to map an MLM onto a graph to power the compensation engine.

A Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Engine allows compensation to be easily calculated despite the complex hierarchy of a sales network.

In John Weeler’s firs
t part of Build[ing] an MLM Engine with Neo4j and MassPay, he covers multi-level marketing and how the structure best fits within a graph.

He dives into building an MLM engine, then explains traversing the graph within the engine.

He concludes by giving us a sneak peaks as to what to e
xpect from the second part of the blog series:

“In the next part of this article, we [will] pay downline commissions with MassPay using the builder pattern to make it easier.”

. We love posts like these that show how graphs solve our complex and connected challenges.
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