#GraphCast: The Emil Update

Junior Editor, Neo4j
1 min read

Welcome to this week’s #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight.
Last time, our Managing Editor, Deb Cameron, described how Tableau talks to Neo4j in real time with the Neo4j BI Connector for the product recommendations use case.

With 2020 drawing to an end, I’ve picked this Graphistania chat with Neo4j’s CEO and Co-Founder Emil Eifrem as the last #GraphCast of this year.
The host Rik Van Bruggen chats with Emil about how the year has been and what the future holds for graph technology – from shifting to the cloud and becoming more developer-centered to the rise of graph data science and realizing the full potential of the property graph model.
Catch all our videos when you subscribe to the Neo4j YouTube channel, updated weekly with tons of graph tech goods.
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