FOSDEM 2018: Join Us in the Graph Developer Room!

Head of Product Innovation & Developer Strategy, Neo4j
2 min read
We’re happy to announce that the graph processing and graph database developer room will again take place at FOSDEM 2018.
Check out all the details here, including information about submissions:
FOSDEM is an annual conference at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium and 100% focused on Open Source technology. It’s all about sharing ideas, meeting contributors, collaborating and – of course – Belgian beer. An important part of the conference are so-called Developer Rooms (DevRooms), which are all-day sessions focused on a specific topic, e.g., Graphs, Free Java, Data Science, etc.
Next year, we are proud to host the 6th edition of the Graph DevRoom, again with the fabulous support of Neo4j and several University partners.
We want to invite you, the graph community, to join the conference and our DevRoom, as visitors and also as speakers. We will again give creators and maintainers of graph solutions, researchers, geeks and open source hackers the possibility of presenting their latest work to an attentive audience.
This includes:
- Graph databases, RDF stores, and specialized network databases
- Graph Query Languages (e.g. (open)Cypher, GraphQL or SPARQL) and user-friendly APIs (e.g. Gremlin)
- (Distributed) Graph Processing / Analytics Frameworks
- Graph Streaming and its applications
- Semantic Graphs (RDF) / Knowledge Graphs
- Benchmarks
- (Large-Scale) Graph Visualization
- Graphs and the Internet-of-Things
- Real-life application of graph processing including industry experience
This list is not closed, other related topics are always welcome.
If you want to give a talk or a demo of your or someone else’s graph project, please submit a short proposal by Nov 26, 2017.
If you want to get an impression on how these talks might look like, check out our DevRoom from earlier this year.
And the best thing: The FOSDEM Conference is free to attend and always a great experience.
Can’t wait to see you there!