Getting Started with the Neo4j BI Connector
7 min read

How It Works
The most popular BI tools today look at the world through a relational lense. This makes sense, as their primary data source for many years was traditional relational databases. With the proliferation of data and the advent of NoSQL databases, analysts have access to more data than ever before. The BI Connector is a JDBC driver, which is a component that allows applications to talk to databases in a general way. Most business applications you run into these days can work with a data connection to another database if exposed by JDBC. Effectively, the BI application connects to a remote database and gets a list of relational tables that the database provides. Then the application issues any SQL queries that it might need to run, and uses that data as needed. In the case of Tableau, using the BI Connector is simply a matter of copying the JDBC driver JAR file into the appropriate Tableau support folder, selecting “Other JDBC Connection” in Tableau, and then specifying a JDBC URL that looks like this:Tables and Graphs
In Neo4j, of course, there are no tables – only nodes and relationships in a graph. So what the BI driver is really doing is exposing a virtual relational schema that is built by the driver. The BI Connector looks at the graph schema in Neo4j; it exposes one table per unique node label combination, and one table per relationship pair found in the graph. Let’s look at a simple example graph: In this graph we have the labelsPerson
and Hobby
, and relationship types KNOWS
. Each label and relationship will get their own tables, forming “join tables” that, via SQL, can then be used to traverse relationships.
The resulting relational schema is displayed below, divided into four total tables. The rows of data, and their data types, are shown as they would be translated from Neo4j:
Person Table
Hobby Table
Person_KNOWS_Person Table
Person_LIKES_Hobby Table
SQL Translation
On the fly, the BI Connector takes an inputted SQL query and translates it into a Cypher query. The Cypher query is executed against the database via a standard Bolt connection, just as any other query would be, and the results are sent back to the client. To the Neo4j database itself, the BI Connector looks like just another standard Cypher / Bolt client. Here’s a very simple example of how that translation might work: SQL:SELECT name FROM Nodes.Person WHERE age > 20 ORDER BY age DESC;Cypher:
MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age > 20 RETURN ORDER BY p.age DESC;This simple example shows how a SQL query might be translated, and how there is an equivalence between the relational tables and the Neo4j nodes in the graph. Relationship tables are more complicated, but follow the same principle. Relationship tables consist at a minimum of a source and target ID, which match the
field in a label’s table. When tools generate SQL JOIN
s, they are effectively “traversing the graph” through a relationship.
Note that this is just a simple example; nodes and relationships often have complex properties which would appear as extra columns in their tables. In the example above, any relationship properties that might exist on the KNOWS
relationships would appear in their respective tables as extra columns.
Data Types
There’s not always a perfect match between data types in Neo4j and SQL. As a result, you may see columns which are long integers in Neo4j appearing asBIGINT
in relational tooling. In some cases, compound data types – such as Neo4j’s geospatial points – will be translated into a String/VARCHAR
representation. As development on the BI Connector continues, more types will be broken out into SQL equivalents where possible, and options may be added to destructure these types.
In some cases, where a tool might express a SQL construct that does not have an equivalent in Cypher, the BI Connector has an in-memory SQL Engine that can be used to satisfy any standard SQL query. So while you’ll find that you can throw just about any SQL query at the BI Driver and it will work, in some cases the query may be answered by pulling back more information from Neo4j than is strictly necessary to process the results on the client side. As the BI Driver evolves over time, one of the key priorities is to increase the number of “push-down” operations to get the best possible performance and fetch the minimum data. Subsequent releases will have more efficient push-down operations, thus improving performance. If you ever want or need to see what the BI Connector is doing in great detail, you can enable query logging on your Neo4j server, and use a Neo4j monitoring tool to even track those queries while they are in flight.Communicating with Neo4j
Inside of the BI Connector is a regular instance of the Neo4j official Java Driver / Bolt client for Neo4j. When users specify a JDBC URL to connect to Neo4j, they embed in this a Neo4j URL that is passed to the Driver and functions exactly as the standard supported Java Driver works. This means that the BI Connector will transparently support the different connection schemes that Neo4j supports. It also means that identity separation, security, query throttling and other features, as they pertain to the BI Connector, can be handled as any other Bolt client would be.Neo4j Server-Side Software
The BI Driver is normally a JAR file and set of documentation that is run on the client side. For example, if you are using it with Tableau, you might use the BI Connector in conjunction with Tableau Desktop on a business user’s laptop. The BI Connector does require that the Neo4j APOC library is installed on the server though. This standard library provides procedures for the metadata harvesting process to run efficiently on large databases. As of this first release, APOC version is required for the Neo4j 4.x series, and APOC for the Neo4j 3.5 series. It’s important to ensure that these APOC versions are present. No special configuration of APOC in neo4j.conf is required unless you are whitelisting specific APOC functions, in which case you will need to addapoc.meta.*
to the allowed list.
If you’re using an older version of APOC, you can grab the updates you need here! If you are using Neo4j Desktop, then make sure your Desktop is up to date, but it should grab the right version of APOC automatically when you create a new database.