Let’s expand the Graph – with Beer
I guess I can no longer keep it a secret: I really do like beer. And Graphs. So every opportunity I get I will try to talk about both. Try to shut me up – it won’t work 😉 … So that’s why we are going to try something different in Belgium and The Netherlands, to get more and more people excited about Graphs – with beer. On the 11th and 12th of June, we’ll be organising two very nice events at fantastic locations to get our community together, and to get it to *grow*.  So let me tell you a bit more about that.A Knowledge Café
The idea is simple: let’s all get together and exchange ideas, experiences, expertise, knowledge about what we have been doing with Graphs and Graph databases. Everyone will have the opportunity to sit at a table, grab pens, paper, laptops, or whatever tool you want – and explain one topic or the other about Graphs to the other attendees.
Lightning talks about Graphs
Let’s get everyone who has done projects, research, investigations, proof-of-concepts, or why not, product development with graphs together to discuss and learn from one another. Every 15 minutes there will be the opportunity for the most experienced attendees to stand up and do a “lightning talk”. 5 minutes about a topic – and if you’re interested there’s always the possibility to continue the conversation at the knowledge tables.
At a cool location
Yes – the venues will be absolutely terrific. We picked a couple of very cool, easily accessible locations that – of course – have a thing or two to do with beer. And yes: you will have the opportunity to taste some of the local specialty beers.
With your friends and colleagues
Please: help us spread the word and expand the graph community. If you bring a friend to the venue and register that person beforehand, there will be a little token of appreciation waiting for you.
Where and when:
- 11th of June, 2013: at Brouwerij De Prael in downtown Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Please look at a more detailed agenda at the registration pages.
- 12th of June, 2013: at Afspranning De Hand (next to Brouwerij De Koninck) in Antwerp, Belgium. Please look at a more detailed agenda at the registration pages.

If you are interested, want to get involved, want to participate, want to host a table, want to do a lightning talk – then please get in touch.
Looking forward!
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